Client devices registration

Another helpful feature in Keenetic routers is the ability to register home network clients.

After registering your client device, you'll have more flexibility in managing and protecting your home network.

Registration allows you to identify the client based on a description you can set. Besides, you can assign a permanent IP address to your client, limit the bandwidth, create a schedule, set up port forwarding rules or block Internet access.

By default, all client devices connected to a Keenetic appear on the 'Client List' page in the 'Unregistered Clients' section. To register, click on the client device entry.


A window shown below will appear. Use the 'Host name' field to change the network client's name (for your convenience) or leave it unchanged. Click 'Register' to register this client.


After that device will appear in the 'Registered Clients' list.


By clicking on the registered client, you will see a window with its settings. Here, you can specify a connection policy (for example, block Internet access), set up a work schedule or bandwidth limitation, assign a permanent IP address to your client, add a port forwarding rule, and check additional connection info.


Enable the appropriate option and specify the necessary bandwidth using kbit/s or Mbit/s to limit the bandwidth.

NOTE: Important! The bandwidth limit you set will be applied both for incoming and outgoing traffic.

If necessary, you can use bandwidth limitations based on a schedule. 

Detailed information about bandwidth limitation settings can be found in the article: Limiting the speed of home network clients.

If you want the device to receive a permanent IP address from the router each time it is turned on, enable this option and specify the IP address.


TIP: Note: If your Keenetic router constantly loses the registration of the mobile device or you see the same device as a new one every time it connects to the router, it is usually because of the function on the mobile device, which automatically changes the МАС address of the Wi-Fi device every time it connects to a wireless network. You can find more information in the article 'A mobile device loses its registration?'.

In modern operating systems (starting with iOS 14, Android 10, and Windows 10), some client devices have a feature called 'Private address', 'Use randomized MAC address' or 'MAC Randomization'. This feature can be used when connecting to your home network to bypass parental control and other restrictions set by the router owner. For details, see 'How to retain control over home network devices with randomized MAC addresses'.

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