SMS message management

Starting with KeeneticOS 3.5.1, SMS (Short Message Service) functionality is implemented in the router's web interface. The option is available for compatible QMI modems, as well as for Keenetic Hero 4G+ (KN-2311), Skipper 4G (KN-2910), Runner 4G (KN-2211) and previous generation Hero 4G (KN-2310), Runner 4G (KN-2210) models equipped with a built-in 4G/3G modem.

Messages are managed in the web interface of the device in the 'Internet' section, 'SMS' page.

When there are new messages, an envelope-shaped notification icon will appear on the panel near the 'SMS' menu item.


On the 'SMS' page, you can read new messages and view previously saved ones. Messages are grouped into a chain according to the sender.


Also, the interface allows you to forward any text message to a specified number and send a new text message.


TIP: Help: When you create a long message, it will be split into several SMS, with the allowed number of characters. When using Latin characters, one SMS is 160 characters long.

Messages are not written to the SIM card. When using an external QMI USB modem, new incoming messages are stored in the modem memory. It is usually small in size (e.g. allows a maximum of 10 SMSes to be stored). As for sent messages, they may not be stored at all.
And with our routers with a built-in QMI modem, new incoming messages are stored in the router's memory. The maximum number of saved incoming SMS messages in the router memory is 128. If the memory is full, the oldest SMS will be automatically deleted when a new SMS is received.


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