KeeneticOS 3.7 Alpha 13

Draft version KeeneticOS 3.7 Alpha 13 of 12-06-2021.

You can find instructions on how to install the Draft version in the developers' forum Keenetic Community. All questions about the Draft version are accepted on the specified forum.

Resolved Issues:

  • MWS: fixed probable losses when transferring configuration to Wi-Fi extenders;
  • QMI: implemented support for "dialogue" USSD queries;
  • USB: added support for Telit LE910C4 modem;
  • Web: added USB modems with a web interface to the drop-down list "Access to web applications running on your network";
  • Web: added the "Optimization mode" menu to the IPsec-based VPN server settings. It changes the set of supported algorithms depending on the selected mode, as follows
    • Default: enabled all algorithms except DES
    • Legacy: enabled both DES and 3DES for compatibility with obsolete clients
    • Performance: enabled CHACHA20-POLY1305 only
  • Web: added the ability to navigate to Wi-Fi extenders without entering a password. The option is available if your extender has an SSL certificate on a * domain name (installed automatically). The firmware version on the extender must be 3.7 Alpha 11 or above.
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