KeeneticOS 3.7 Alpha 14

Draft version KeeneticOS 3.7 Alpha 14 of 19-06-2021.

You can find instructions on how to install the Draft version in the developers' forum Keenetic Community. All questions about the Draft version are accepted on the specified forum.

Resolved Issues:

  • Implemented loop detection between switch ports, and suppression of the resulting broadcasts. The feature is available on embedded mt7530 and rtl8370mb switches of Keenetic Giga (KN-1010, KN-1011), Ultra/Titan (KN-1810), Viva/Skipper (KN-1910), Omni DSL (KN-2110), Extra/Carrier DSL (KN-2111), Hero 4G (KN-2310), Hero DSL (KN-2410), Giant (KN-2610), Speedster (KN-3010);
  • Web: implemented graphical display of signal strength on Keenetic Runner 4G (KN-2210), and Hero 4G (KN-2310);
  • Opkg: now calling /opt/etc/ndm/sms.d/* handlers when receiving SMS messages.
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