Draft version KeeneticOS 3.7 Alpha 15 of 26-06-2021.
You can find instructions on how to install the Draft version in the developers' forum Keenetic Community. All questions about the Draft version are accepted on the specified forum.
Resolved Issues:
- NTCE: implemented accounting of Uncategorized applications and groups;
- NTCE: enabled protection against memory overflow and automatic merging of the least significant data to the "Uncategorized" section;
- USB: added support for modems:
- Huawei ME906s-158 (HP lt4132)
- Telit LM960A18
- QMI: fixed an error when sending USSD requests: "system failed [0xcffd12e3]";
- MWS: fixed displaying connection status of wired extenders;
- MWS: fixed appearance of password prompt when navigating from a controller to extenders;
- TSMB: fixed probable system crash caused by unplugging HDD from the device under I/O operations.