Standby mode for backup connections

By default, a backup connection for Internet access is always in the connected state. This maximises the speed of switching to a backup connection if the main connection fails.

If the user prefers that the router only initiates a backup connection to the operator when the main channel fails, then the backup channel needs to be set to Standby mode (available from KeeneticOS 4.0 and higher). In this case, it takes longer to switch to Standby, but there are advantages in this mode.

Examples of when it is advisable to use this option:

— according to certain tariffs, your operator can deduct funds from the user's balance for the fact of connecting to the network at least once a day for a few seconds;
— If the standby channel is always active, service traffic is being received and transmitted, and cellular operators can charge the subscriber based on the traffic;
— less power consumption of 4G modems in Standby mode.

Command-line interface (CLI) command for Standby mode on Keenetic Hero 4G+ (KN-2311) and Runner 4G (KN-2211):

Enabling –> interface UsbLte0 standby enable
Disabling –> interface UsbLte0 standby no enable
Saving settings –> system configuration save

Standby mode can be set up for backup connections of wired and wireless interfaces.

The Standby mode is not in use:


The Standby mode is on:



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