Viewing antenna metrics in Hero 4G+, Skipper 4G and Runner 4G

In Keenetic Runner 4G (KN-2211), Skipper 4G (KN-2910) and Hero 4G+ (KN-2311) routers, you can view antenna metrics in the web interface under Internet > Mobile.

Click on the 'Show signal levels' button.

antenna 1 en.jpg

In the window that appears, expand the information under 'Antenna information' and click on the arrow on the right.

antenna 2 en.jpg

The 'Antenna information' section will display RSRP information, and some models will also display RSSI. For example:

antenna 3 en.jpg

The data in the 'Antenna 0' section refers to the SISO antenna connector. For more information, please refer to the guide Connecting outdoor directional antennas to Hero 4G(+), Skipper 4G and Runner 4G.

Information with a detailed description of RSRP and RSSI parameters can be found in the LTE signal quality parameters article.

TIP: Help: If you do not have the 'Antenna information' section in the web interface, in this case it is necessary to update the modem firmware to the current version. The firmware is found on our website in the 'Download Center' section. Please refer to the article on Updating the firmware of the Keenetic Runner 4G and Hero 4G+ built-in mobile modem.

In the previous generation Hero 4G (KN-2310) and Runner 4G (KN-2210) models, you can find the display of antenna metrics on the 'Mobile' (4G/3G Modem) page. In the 'Connection Information" section, click 'Show antenna information'. The data displaying the parameters of each antenna will appear.

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