Client lists

On the 'CLient Lists' page, you can see client devices connected to your Keenetic, the status and speed of these connections, IP address and other information. You can block Internet access, register a client device on your home network, limit the speed of all unregistered clients, or wake up your client device over the network using the Wake-on-LAN (WoL) mechanism.

For registered clients, you can assign a fixed IP address, set a speed limit, create a schedule and network port forwarding rules.

In addition to the above features, it is possible to set up wireless network access control by creating an access list of MAC addresses of clients ('Black' and 'White' lists). This can be done on the 'Wireless ACL' page.


TIP: Tip: If you want to block Internet access to all unregistered clients in a particular segment, you can do so on this segment's page. Select the 'No Internet access' profile in the Internet Traffic Handling Rules section.

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