To register your device for an additional year of warranty service, use the Keenetic application on your phone and access the Keenetic Cloud portal — you need to create an account in Keenetic Account.
Keenetic Account is a unified user authentication service to access the Keenetic mobile application and the web portal Keenetic Cloud.
Account creation
Open the Help Center and click on the Keenetic Account link at the bottom of the page to access your account.
Press the Sign In/Register button to log in to your account or register your account.
If you are already registered with Keenetic Account, in the E-mail and Password fields, enter the e-mail address you used when you registered and your account password, respectively. Click Login.
If this is your first time accessing the Keenetic Support Centre, click Register.
TIP: Tip: If you have a Google, Facebook or Apple account, you may not need to register but rather connect to a Keenetic Account using one of your accounts. In this case, the registration process will take less time, and you won't need to go through the mail confirmation stage.
Once you have started the registration, fill out the form with your First name, Last name, E-mail (Keenetic ID) (in the future, use it as a login to enter your Keenetic Account), Country, and Password.
Read the legal documents offered. If you agree with the terms, tick 'I accept the terms of the Website user agreement and the Policy regarding the processing of personal data', and click Register.
A service message will be sent to the e-mail address you specified.
Find the e-mail from Keenetic Account and click the link to confirm the address, or enter the numeric code from that e-mail on the confirmation page.
At, you will see the user's profile page.
Account information and security
The Account information tab allows you to change your e-mail address and personal details.
You can also delete your Keenetic Account here if necessary. Please refer to the article How can I delete my Keenetic Account and personal data? for more information.
On the Singing in and security tab, you can change your password from your account and enable two-factor authentication.
Two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA) is a technology that provides user identification by combining two different components, which provides a second level of security for Internet accounts. In addition to authentication by login+password, a user will need to enter a one-time confirmation code. This confirmation code is issued in a special authenticator application.
By enabling two-factor authentication, it will only work via Keenetic Account (not via Google, Apple or Facebook).
NOTE: Important! Enabling two-factor authentication is not required. It's just another way to authenticate a user, in addition to the standard login and password input. But it also has some inconveniences and features in addition to the extra security. For example, if you do not have a mobile device with an installed authentication program or if it has run out of power at the wrong time, you will not be able to get a one-time code and enter it to connect to your account accordingly. Also, if you lose your phone or delete the application, the service will be hard to access, too. In this case, we can restore access to your Keenetic Account by disabling two-factor authentication. To do this, you will need to create a request to our support team and send a photo of the label on the back of the device.
To enable the two-factor authentication, you need to configure the authenticator program. Perform the following steps:
1. Install one of the applications on your phone:
2. Open the application and scan the barcode or enter the key.
If the barcode cannot be scanned, use the following settings if your application allows you to select them:
Type: Time-based
Algorithm: SHA1
Digits: 6
Interval: 30
3. To generate a one-time code, tap the token created in the application with your finger. Enter the one-time code and tap 'Save' to complete the installation.
Codes are created based on a key that only you and the server know, and the current time is rounded to 30 seconds. Since both components are the same for you and the service, the codes are generated synchronously. This algorithm is called OATH TOTP (Time-based One-time Password).
NOTE: Important! In the authenticator program, a new token will be created (so-called code generator for a separate account) to connect to the Keenetic Account. Remember that the token is stored only on the device, and if you remove the token from the application or the entire application, it will be impossible to restore it, and the account will not be accessible by a one-time code. Do not delete a token from the app!
When you replace the phone, first disable the two-factor authentication in the Keenetic Account (click on the Remove icon in the Two-step verification section), then install the application (FreeOTP or Google Authenticator) on the new device and enable two-factor authentication again.
After enabling two-factor authentication when logging into Keenetic Account, you will first need to enter your E-mail and Password, and then the One-time password that you get from the authenticator program:
On the Social sign-in tab, you can set up a connection to your Keenetic Account by adding an account that you already use on Google, Facebook or Apple.
The Sessions tab displays information about Keenetic Account access sessions.
My devices
Register your Keenetic device by specifying its service tag. For more information, please see How do I register my Keenetic device?
When you register your Keenetic, you automatically receive an additional year of warranty service.
By creating Keenetic Account, you will be able to connect to the Keenetic Cloud web portal, Keenetic mobile application and Keenetic RMM service:
More information about the portal features you can find in the Keenetic Cloud web portal article.
Articles and instructions on the Keenetic mobile application can be found on our website in the Keenetic App section.
User documentation for the cloud-based service for remote network monitoring and management can be found in the Keenetic RMM section.